So its been far to long since I have written on my blog and time just seems to be adding up on the things that I would like to write about.
December was a wonderful month for my family. We loved celebrating CHRIST for the whole beautiful season of Christmas. It was lovely to get to enjoy the season in our own home for the first time. Xander loved the nativities and crafts and books we were able to enjoy and of course the treats and presents that come with the season as well. I am so glad that we are able to enjoy such a fabulous time of year in a place that allows for us to have the freedom to do so.
When the New Year came in it brought new challenges and trials that I did not feel ready for and it was a real struggle for a while. At the beginning of the month my beautiful cousin Teina was in a car accident and less then three weeks later she was brought back to live with My Father in Heaven once again. I went through more emotions then I care to share but I learned important things and re-learned important things that I feel it important to share.
1. I confirmed and solidified my faith in the plan of salvation and eternal families. I always believed, but I was comforted beyond that which any mortal person could comfort, as I know that much of my family was as well. What a comfort to know that this life is but a small moment, and if though ENDURE IT WELL though shall be blessed. Teina endured this life well. She was a shining example in this life and I know she continues to be a light and missionary in the blessed life yet to come.

2. Sometimes you just have to be BRAVE. I started off so worried about talking to anyone about Teina because I was worried I couldnt hold my composure and end up uncomfortably blubbering to someone, but I learned the more I prayed for strength and took a brave moment I was able to move past that fear. I have had many teaching moments and moments to testify of my knowledge of eternal families because I was brave enough to speak about something that was hard. I know that is what Teina would want me to do and she would be proud of me for being brave.

3. Even if we feel alone, like nobody knows how we feel, WE ARE NEVER ALONE. My savior suffered in the garden and on the cross so that I would never have to suffer any trial alone. No pain is mine alone whether I choose to share it with my savior or not he has already paid for it. What an amazing gift he has given me and everyone who has ever lived, lives or ever will live. Who are we to not take advantage of this gift and use it to the best of our abilities.
I enjoy my life. Every trial I am blessed with will make me stronger because I choose to be stronger because of them.
Here are a few more of my favorite pictures from the last little while.
My handsome husband and I celebrated 4 beautiful years together with a wonderfully romantic anniversary. Jim is not usually ever romantic. He tells me he doesnt really know how to be when I used to ask him why he didnt ever break out the romance.. lol But I was so impressed with all the thought and love that went into him planning our beautiful night out. I am so lucky that I get to spend eternity with this wonderful man. I could not have a better companion to go through this life with and raise a family with. He is such an excellent father, an dedicated provider and a loving husband. I am so in love with you Jim!
Here are a few more from right around Christmas time. We built a Ginger Bread house like we do every year. This was the first year that Xander wanted to smash it right after we built it. I being the cruel mother that I am made him wait until after Christmas to do so. Can you tell which he enjoyed more? I think we have created a new tradition!
Xander was so excited to visit Santa this year. He has never had a problem with sitting on Santa and He is such a believer. I just love his magical spirit and his imagination.
Xander also really LOVES to play in the snow. He doesn't often care how cold it is. He will stay outside for hours and we will build and break and build and bread many snow creations. He really is so much fun. Another best friend for me in the future just like his daddy!
I could share pictures all day because I just love them but I will only add a few more.
I sure love my family. They are my favorite part of waking up. Such a blessing to have them forever!