Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So I am way behind in my posts but I do have a good excuse. I HAVE A BABY BOY!! AND HE IS THE BEST IN THE WHOLE WORLD! His name is
Xander James Zemp
He was born on September 25th at Nine O Nine and he weighed 7 pounds and 13.5 ounces. He was 18.75 inches long and he is just so stinking cute its amazing. Im not going to lie, I was always worried about babies when they are new borns because they used to scare me being all wrinkley and purple. well I think he was beautiful from day one. He was just fantastic. He was born after 18 hours of labour... 3 of them hard labour and then they told me that he was stuck... I was so tired and I kept asking my mom why the heck anyone would do this twice. They finally had a doctor come in and see me and she hummed and hawwed and made her conclusion which she didnt tell the distraught crazy mophine high prego she just left and then in came a specialist and she poked and prawded and then hummed and hawwed and then she said well we are going to try a few things and if they dont work to move him along then we will go and do an emergency C section. Well I was ready to rip faces right off and I just said just get him out of me! Well they did what I said (dispite the fact that I was so weird, complete word salad... totally not there. apparently morphine and laughing gas are a weird mix. also morphine doesnt kill labour pains at all just so you know. just makes it slightly bearable). So they rushed me into the cut em apart room and gave me some anesthesia in my spin (not an epidural but thats another story) and within 15 min after they gave me that and I was numb and soon after that I had a son. I didnt get to hold him until almost midnight and that was sad to me but I wouldnt have been coherant enough anyway but all the same. Anyway I spent 3 days after in the hospital and now I am home and I love being home with my favorite big man and little man. I now offically have 2 loves of my life and its the best thing in the world. Well all in all it was an amazing experience and I loved most of it. Anyway I prob wont be doing lots of picture putting on with the photography assignment but I will be putting some on of my new son as I work out my skills on him. Hope you all enjoyed my story and until next time..... Bye!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pictures soon

Alright so tomorrow is the day I am due and who knows. Maybe he will decide to come and hang out with me. I cant wait.

As for the picture project, I can only put them on when I visit my fantastic family. So they will be coming soon. Dependent upon if I am in the hospital or not haha

Monday, September 19, 2011

Best Thing ever just happened. I was emailing my fantastical brother on a mission and I knew that he would be emailing soon so I kept them short so he would get them, Well as I was emailing he emailed me. It felt like he was so close for a second I pretty much freaked out. Best thing ever! I miss that man. Well he gets home on November 9 at 6:30 in the Medicine Hat airport for anyone and everyone that wants to come and tell him that they love him. Be there or be square and Im serious. you will miss out if you dont come because its going to be the best day in the whole world. Well Im just so excited and buzzing from my little email swap with Dano. What a cool guy. If anyone wants to email him, his email is <> but he cant always reply. I think he can only write back to family, but he loves to hear how everyone is doing and if you give him your home address he will write back. anyway, that is my overly excited moment of the day. Other exciting thing is that I have only 3 days left until I am due and I felt my little man drop more then ever today and I am getting more back pains and lower pains (not contractions just pains) then I ever have before so this is progress. I like progress.

picture challenge, saturday (color) sunday (13 things)

 So I didnt get a chance on Saturday or Sunday to come and put my pictures up for all to see, but I did have fun playing with them and taking them.
COLOR! I have a billion pictures I took of pencils and skittles. honestly Jim laughed at how long I could sit there and take pictures of the simplest of things. haha
On Sunday night I played with the 13 things category. I decided after playing around with all sorts of stuff that I dont know how to place focus on alot of images and make it still look good, so my take on this theme doesnt put a focus on the 13 things but believe me they are all there. Some are just harder to see then others.

Friday, September 16, 2011


So I just joined the world of Pinterest and I must admit its pretty awesome. check it out and if you need an invite just let me know and I will send one off to you. its pretty cool.

day 4 of the picture challenge

Today the theme was veggies. I had to open my brain, who the heck takes pictures of veggies. But when I did and I started to play with it it was pretty cool. Most veggies have an awesome texture that is pretty sweet to catch with a camera. It was definatly Enjoyable to try and figure out a picture for this one. 
So today means six more days until I am due. Sept 22 and I have a feeling he isn't going to come early anymore. Who knows.. Caster oil didn't work. Made me feel funny for a while but no baby. I guess some things work for some people and not for others. I still have yet to find my picture but I have a few ideas so by tonight you will see my picture and it will be of some sort of veggies. :)
until then.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

So for this last week of being pregnant or how ever long I am pregnant for I have decided to go through all the old wives tales and try a new thing every day to see what works for me, now I know not everything works for everyone but oh well. Today the wives tale that I tried is.... Caster oil.... Eww.... Well I will tell you this, it didn't taste horrible, it didn't smell horrible. I had an easy enough time getting it down, but it sure makes you feel funny afterwards. It has now been a few hours since I have taken it so if tomorrow I don't write... It's because I had a baby, and if I do then most likely I didnt have him. Lol
 This was such a good day!
Cant wait until December when we get to go with our whole family and be together forever and ever and more. There is nothing better in this life.

Day 3 of the picture challenge (Technology)

Alrighty, so today was a day to take a creative picture of technology. I had a really rough time and had to think a lot of how to take a picture of technology. I decided to take a picture showing some of the advances in technology and the vast differences between them. The picture I decided to use was something I found on my parents book shelf. Among all the books, some of them being extremely old, I found some CD`s. Odd place for CD`s but hey that`s OK. Anyway thoughts on that, isn`t it just crazy how technology leaches its way into everything we have and everything we do. Even down to the fact that I now write a journal online and share with other people instead of in a book beside my bed now. Crazy thing we call life. Anyway today is Thursday and that means exactly one week until I am due. I wouldn`t be sad if my little man decided to visit this world a little earlier but hey, I`m not one to mess with the way things are supposed to be and so I will be patient and whether he comes tonight or in two weeks, I will be happy and patient. Not that it wont be a lot of work because man am I anxious, but I can do hard things.
Anyway until tomorrow everyone.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Picture 2

Alright so here is my picture of clothing that I wore today. I picked out a purple scarf to go with one of my favorite purple shirts. I didnt feel like having my body in the picture because right now my flattering figure might make all who sees jealous. haha anyway I thought a lot about the theme and I took a lot of pictures but I ended up with this one because I really enjoyed the tassels on my scarf. They make for a cool picture.
Today means 8 days left until Jim and I could possibly be parents. Crossing my fingers for an early boy but who knows he might decided to make me wait longer for him. Worth the wait but tough to think about for sure.

Ok now for the picture of the day. Well I actually haven't taken it but the theme is what I am wearing today. So I want to brainstorm a cool way to take pictures of what I am wearing. This should be fun to try. Check back later and see what I came up with haha.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Alright so its been ten days.. oops.. but I will get better because my little sister and I are going to do this picture thing with some friends and put on a picture a day that is in different categories. It should be fun. Don't judge me to harshly Jamie... actually do because its the only way to become better. :) anyway so I have 9 days left until my little man is due to come into this big beautiful world, and I'm not going to lie. I'm kinda freaking out a little bit but that's OK. I am sure its all just part of having your first baby. Its pretty exciting all the same though. I have everything I can think of ready and I keep finding more things to do and work on. I have got the bags packed and the car seat by the door ready to head out. Camera batteries in my purse and I'm ready. Now I just have to wait for my little man to decide to grace me with his presence. :) Anytime now man, anytime now. Well here is the picture for the day. I was told today was a close up day. So I have a picture of my mothers beautiful and full grape vine. The grapes are so wonderful and they make fantastic grape juice. They also look not to bad in pictures. Anyway let me know what you like and don't like. Constructive criticism always helps... and in a few weeks I will be able to handle anything without tears... hopefully. haha

Saturday, September 3, 2011

So I know most mommas want their baby's to come early because lets face it the last month of being pregnant.... Not so comfortable at all. But that's ok. I'm still pretty convinced he will come early, I'd be ok with the week before because everyone is home and will be able to come see him.
I have been putting together a hospital backpack and it feels kind of unreal.... Like I should still be my baby sisters age and watching all the "old" people get married and have kids. I used to think that made someone so old and now.... It really doesn't. It's crazy.
Updates on baby, well he's taking in all the room he can get now which includes any space he finds in my lungs and ribs as well is by my hips and everywhere else in between. Haha oh man. A month ago I could still find a comfy spot to sleep.... Now I just have to find the one that works the best. 3 weeks and 5 days.... Wowzers.
Last night we went and visited John and Sarah and the kids. I was hanging on to Wesley and he was so sad with a tummy ache. Wesley is our baby's cousin born a month before him. Once his tummy started to settle we had a good long conversation where he just stared at me and every once in a while made some noise. I just loved it. I could look into baby eyes forever. Best feeling. Good thing my baby is coming soon or I would be suffering from baby fever. Haha however I do think he was talking to more then just me. I'm convinced that the boys will be great friends and do great things together. Also super funny thing happened. When we were there last night John was talking about names that they had thought of for Wesley and he up and said our name for our little man. Jim and I just kinda looked at each other and didn't say anything. So even though none of them will read this... I'm writing this for proof that we didn't just choose that name because you said it.. We had it picked out before we ever found out we were having a boy. Haha I guess great minds just think alike. Plus it's an awesome name. Anyway this story is getting longer and I am neglecting my dishes... So I will be off. To my mom and Jaime I will say I hope you enjoy all my crazy brain and thanks for putting up with it and listening to me, haha.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Three weeks left

So today is Thursday which means that there is exactly three weeks till our due date. It's crazy! Last night my wonderful husband helped me to organize our whole house and got it ready for our sweet little soul. It looks so amazing I just couldn't helpl but walk from room to room this morning and smile cause I couldn't even wrap my brain around where everything was going to go. So exciting when things start to all come together. Only thing I have yet to do and have to get done rather quick is maternity pictures. I hardly have any, which may be ok with me because every time I see a picture of myself I kind of want to run away in the other direction. Maybe someone professional would make me not hate them so much haha.

Also I am not on mat leave officially and it's nice. After working two jobs for two years now it's wonderful to have a moment of silence.... I know it won't last long because in just a few weeks I won't be alone all day but I am enjoying it while it last and before the real party begins. Oh I'm so excited. Its going to be fantastic. I also got to sort through all the baby clothes I have been given. They are so cute. Everything is cuter when it is baby sizes.