Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Picture 2

Alright so here is my picture of clothing that I wore today. I picked out a purple scarf to go with one of my favorite purple shirts. I didnt feel like having my body in the picture because right now my flattering figure might make all who sees jealous. haha anyway I thought a lot about the theme and I took a lot of pictures but I ended up with this one because I really enjoyed the tassels on my scarf. They make for a cool picture.

1 comment:

  1. I love the use of light in the photo. You havine the light come through the tassles of your scarf is great!

    I also like how crisp and clean the photo is.

    The fact that your whole body is not in the photo is also a great take on the assignment. Good job thinking outside the box!

    The only thing I might change is the background. You can see your counters and cupboards(?) behind and if you could eliminate the distractions, it would be a more clean photo.
