Monday, September 29, 2014

Leaves leaves and more leaves.

Fall at our house brought to light the truth of how many trees we really do have. LOTS AND LOTS. Wow! We have already packed 12 very large bags up and I would say our trees are about half done with their leaves. It's so crazy. 

However, just like when I was younger and Jim as well fall brings not only work but a lot of fun as you do it. Xander has really enjoyed making all the work we do take twice as long by plowing through a freshly raked pile of leaves. 

He just loves to play outside and even more to help us when we are working. He would run into the pile of leaves sending a firework of leaves in every direction and come out with an armful of leaves for the garbage bag. I have to admit I don't mind at all that it took so long because he had so much fun. 

We even had fun with grandpa while he was getting his leaves all picked up. Xander felt that his job should have a little more action and length and volunteered to help grandpa make it that way. 

All in all I think there is fun to be had in all kinda of work.  Who cares if it takes a little longer and things have to be redone multiple times. We made memories and shared laughter. That's what matters. Years from now we won't remember the rest. I'm so grateful for a husband and child who help me to relax and make things more fun. I love them so much. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

A few tears.

So today Xander was following me around the house. Anything I did he was right in my face. "Mom, Mom, Mom!" Driving me crazy. I was trying to catch up on my house since it had slipped out of control the last week. Finally he brought me "The Tigger Movie" and asked me if I would come watch it with him. I was tired and decided I could take a break for a minute. So I made some lunch and sat down with him to watch a movie. I dont know if I have ever sat down for that whole movie but man did I cry. I felt like a crazy person crying over a childs movie but I just loved the message that it shared.
In the movie Tigger was searching for his Tigger family. He searched and searched and couldnt find any other Tiggers. He was very sad that there was nobody out there just like him. At the end Little Roo helped him to realize that your family doesnt have to be just like you, they are the ones around you that love you and support you. Those people that will always be there for you even if you cant see it yourself. Anyway holy smokes.. I defiantly was crying and laughing at myself for doing so. Xander was looking at me like I was a crazy person but oh well. The whole movie talks about perspective. Seeing the important things and opening your eyes.

Anyway now that I have got the embarrassing moment out of the way I wanted to share a few pictures from lately and Tell you about my wonderful month of September.

Xander and I have had the opportunity to spend loads of time outside and It has been so much fun. He really has been enjoying the fall weather alot and I have been enjoying the wonderful pictures that come with fall weather. 

We also Celebrated Xanders 3rd birthday which technically isnt until the 25th but with all the cousin birthdays we held his party a little early. We had so much fun. There were so many kids and friends around that it was just a blast!

Xander just loved the whole thing!

We also had the privilege of going to the temple with some of our good friends to watch them be sealed together with along with their son for time and all eternity. What an amazing blessing. It brought back all the wonderful feelings that came with me being sealed to Jim and Xander and the amazing experience that was for me. 

I have just loved the month of September. It is so wonderful and there really is nothing better then spending time with loved ones!

Last picture I am sharing is Xanders three year old picture. Cant believe my baby is three already! What a handsome, smart and spiritual kid!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Its all about YOU!

So one of my very smart cousins re-posted something on Facebook the other day that I decided I would read. It was a very good piece about changing our mindset for success and It talked about 6 things that we need to forget and when we do our lives will change for the better. As I was reading this my mind automatically changed them to the positive form that we need to remember. Here is the result of my reverse interpretation.

Jim teaching our 2 year old to swim! Xander loves it. He never gives up!

My beautiful sister when she graduated. Couldn't be prouder of her persistence!

 First thing the article said was "I am not smart enough" well in order to change that we need to start thinking "God created me with endless possibilities" How important it is to remember that we can be anything we want to become. outside influences tell us all the time that we are not smart enough for that, its to hard, don't waste your time on something you will fail at. Who cares what they say. If you put your mind to it and have faith that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, then you can. That as simple as it is. And if you do fail it only helps you learn and in turn, learning makes you smarter as well. It is always a win win if you just try.

scariest and most amazing experience I have had yet in my life. 

best blessing came from it though. just one more piece of the puzzle that is our little family!

Second thing was "I am to inexperienced". Well so was Thomas Edison when he was young but he didn't let that stop him. He persevered through much and came out experienced. To that I reply " There are always new things to learn and experience."  Through doing you gain experience. Through excusing yourself you gain nothing.

Married My Hero! December 11, 2010

Went Through the temple with him! and our soon to be baby boy!

Was sealed to both the loves of my life and became what we had been striving to be! An eternal Family!
December 23, 2011

Xander in front of the temple In Utah. He knows it is the most important place in his life.
He has felt the blessings from it and the love our family has experienced because we have chosen the temple!

Third was "Its too late for me." Well I have learned as a mother and a wife that "It is Never, EVER, to late". Aside from food spoiling on me because I kept saying "oh i will get to that" There is always time. When something is important It is just never to late. There is always time to mend a relationship, or start one for that matter. There is always time to teach your child or spend time with them. There is always time to make memories and to experience something you have always wanted to do.  Leaving something doesn't make it impossible to do later, just more difficult at times and difficulty is daunting. However, it is not impossible, especially when you come to know that you are a child of God, and there are things saved for you to do later that are better then anything you can imagine.

Before I go on I wanted to shout out to my siblings and their amazing examples to me! I love you all and the amazing people you are becoming!

My Brother Daniel is always working his butt off to make people happy! No matter how he is feeling. 
My Brother Kimball is one of the smartest young man I know despite all his fears!

My Sister Kyre takes charge of her life and doesn't let anything stop her from getting what she wants!

My sister Cyera has always known her goal and striven to reach them no matter who tells her she cant!

My Brother Matt has always put out efforts to make his life better in spite of  what circumstances deal him! 
on to the next point!
Fourth is "I cant be happy until..." LIE! Yes you can. You just choose not to. "You can choose to be happy now!" You are the only one who can make you feel anything. Sure I know for a fact that outside influences can have an affect on us but really, really the choice is yours. Do you really need that new toy to be happy, or do you just want it so much that you are letting your happiness and well being depend on it. Do you really care that much about what someone said about you that you are willing to believe them and be less then your best. Be happy, just because you can. Not because life is perfect because we are know its not but just because you can.  
This is Me!

Fifth thing mentioned was "This is just who I am". This one was very personal to me because I often excuse myself with this, thinking that there is no changing my core so why try. WRONG! "It is always possible to change" My Husband is so forgiving. No matter what I do he kisses me and tells me he loves me no matter what. I cant even believe the number of times that I have said that horrible phrase to him and he has told me "you can change it if you want to Tal". Slam dunk Jim. I am so lucky to have a brilliant and loving husband who is always pushing me to be better and not to excuse myself because all it does is hold me back from becoming who I want to become.
Jim can do anything

And I mean anything!

And lastly was "I'm to busy". Have you ever noticed that when something is important you will change all plans and schedules to fit it in. So really, are you to busy or do you just not want to do it. "There is always time for the important things". Prioritize whats important. Is that show that you love on TV really that important that you tell your child who is begging you to play that you are busy right now. NO! Is it really OK to skip someones special event because you are to busy, and then go home and play on your phone or air your laundry on Facebook. Are you really to busy, or are you just becoming lazy in a world that is making it so easy to do so. I most defiantly don't mean to say that nobody is really busy. There are times and situations that really are busy. I have constantly told my mom and Jim is constantly telling me to not load ourselves up with so many things that we are exhausted and busy all the time. Those days that I do that it is my choice to be busy. Not one person makes me do it.
Together we made our dreams come true. 

And we will continue to make them come true together. 

Society puts so many ideas in our head of who we should be and what we should and should not do. We were created with the end goal to become Gods with our Father in Heaven. I choose to follow the limitless path that God created for us. I can soar to unbelievable heights if I choose to let my feet leave the ground. There is nothing I cant accomplish if I really want to. What do you choose? 

we WILL soar!
and support!
no matter what we are told!

The sight of the article I read was and the article is called 6 limiting beliefs that you should change today. Good for a read.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Well lately Xander has been asking us "why not?" no matter what the situation. Every time we answer the why not we are greeted with another and another. We know this is a learning thing and most of the time we are more then happy to keep answering the question over and over. The other day was particularly full of them. Jim finally said very kindly "Xander enough with the why not OK" so Xander stopped for a while and went about his activities and a few hours later I asked Jim to do something for me his answer ironically was "sure, why not." What happened next was so priceless to both of us as well as a learning experience for us. Xander looked up at Jim and said "Dad enough with the why not already" All we could do was laugh and of course Xander laughed with us without knowing truly how funny the moment had been to us. Made me think a lot though. How important every little thing we do is to our children. It is so important that everything we tell our children also apply to us as much as possible. Of course we cant stop touching knives or cooking on the stove but maybe the lesson for our children is better served to teach them how to safely be around them and use them. Now obvious that you would never give your little child a sharp knife, but maybe a plastic one to practice with or a butter knife. Xander helps me cook all the time. He knows he is allowed to touch and help with everything in the kitchen as long as I am there and we have been having so much fun doing it all together. The best part is that when I am not there he is not interested in any of the cupboards or drawers or anything in the kitchen for that matter. Just like the kitchen I have taken a different approach to the constant questioning of "why not?" instead of any short answers or brushing off I have tried to be completely honest and talk to him about the situation. Amazingly enough the "why not?" has morphed from multiples within seconds to one with a satisfied answer. His learning is satisfied. I often had to remind myself that he was not questioning what I asked him to do, he was learning why it is important. I have noticed that the next time I ask him to do something he understands it now and no longer asks why. Young children learn so fast. Yesterday was fast and testimony Sunday. I get up every Sunday and bear my testimony because when I was younger my wonderful middle brother challenged me to bear my testimony every time I had the chance. I often feel like people might be getting sick of hearing from me but I persist because if for nobody else I need it. Well yesterday was a different day for me all together. Xander came up with me and I helped him to share his little testimony. He had no fear and I would like to think it is because he has watched me do it his whole life so he knew if mom can do it so can he. I couldn't have been more proud of his willingness at this small age to go up there and tell people what he believes. What an inspiration to me. I am a true believer that our children can do great things. They are more able then we can comprehend and all they need to be given is the faith from parents and important people around them and they will soar! I am amazed that Xander is turning three at the end of this month. His life is such a blessing in mine. I would be such a different person without him. He is so kind and loving. So willing to learn and serve. I am excited for the day when he is in my shoes, I can wait there is no rush, but Im excited to see the man he will become and the lives he will change with his goodness and brilliance. I have made a promise to myself to tell him how wonderful he is everyday and about all the things I am so proud of in him, in hopes that he will continue on in them and make his talents shine. Life is so wonderful at every stage. It is all on us though if each stage isnt better then the next because we build our wonderful little children up into teens and then adults. We can be a friend or an enemy, a teacher or a critic, a confidant or someone who doesnt care. Its up to us! You, Me, Jim, and every other parents out there. I choose to be the person that makes my child the best he can be. Someone that I will be so proud of to one day tell the whole world, "that is my son, and I couldnt have been more proud" It doesnt matter what he does for a living, it doesnt matter where he lives. All that matters is if he is charitable and kind, full of faith, with a good sense of humor and a humble heart. If he becomes all of these things I will know that I have done my job. Until then I have work to do.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tonight was a memorable night. We were going about our normal bedtime routine with Xander. Potty, Teeth, Jammies, Prayers. We started helping Xander with saying the prayer and for the first time he took over and started to say parts without help. He thanked Heavenly Father for his grandparents and aunts and uncles and IRONMAN. It made me smile. This kid loves Ironman. When I say "I love you" and he says "Mom I love you more then Ironman" it makes my heart sore. He has such a unique personality and spirit about him. I love him more and more every day.

Today I made a little collage of Jim and Xander. I was looking through all the pictures on my hard drive and was amazed at how much both of them have changed in the past three years. I am so proud of both my men.

What a wonderful life it is. 

I had the opportunity to go with my cute little family away for the weekend. We went to Cardston and Waterton for the long weekend before summer was officially over. We spent time with cousins and aunts and uncles, jims siblings, my siblings, both our parents and lots of other loved ones. What a better way to spend our last days of summer. 

We celebrated my grandmothers birthday, our niece, Theresa's, birthday, the end of summer, our love for family and warm weather. It was a wonderful weekend. Xander had so much fun playing with his cousins. Especially his cousin Faythey. She kept a close eye on him the whole weekend. She went into the bathroom at one point and we heard Xander saying "wheres my girlfriend" and when she came out she said called out for her "sweetheart". It was so awesome. I am so glad that Xander can spend time getting to know his extended family. It is so important to both Jim and myself. We took Xander to Cameron Falls and Redrock Canyon in Wateron. He really enjoyed being outside and playing in the water. 

These are the kind of experiences that I hope and pray Xander will have lots more of so he can have the blessing of wonderful memories from his childhood just as I was blessed with.