So one of my very smart cousins re-posted something on Facebook the other day that I decided I would read. It was a very good piece about changing our mindset for success and It talked about 6 things that we need to forget and when we do our lives will change for the better. As I was reading this my mind automatically changed them to the positive form that we need to remember. Here is the result of my reverse interpretation.
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Jim teaching our 2 year old to swim! Xander loves it. He never gives up! |
My beautiful sister when she graduated. Couldn't be prouder of her persistence! |
First thing the article said was "I am not smart enough" well in order to change that we need to start thinking "G
od created me with endless possibilities" How important it is to remember that we can be anything we want to become. outside influences tell us all the time that we are not smart enough for that, its to hard, don't waste your time on something you will fail at. Who cares what they say. If you put your mind to it and have faith that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, then you can. That as simple as it is. And if you do fail it only helps you learn and in turn, learning makes you smarter as well. It is always a win win if you just try.
scariest and most amazing experience I have had yet in my life. |
best blessing came from it though. just one more piece of the puzzle that is our little family! |
Second thing was "I am to inexperienced". Well so was Thomas Edison when he was young but he didn't let that stop him. He persevered through much and came out experienced. To that I reply "
There are always new things to learn and experience." Through doing you gain experience. Through excusing yourself you gain nothing.
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Married My Hero! December 11, 2010 |
Went Through the temple with him! and our soon to be baby boy! |
Was sealed to both the loves of my life and became what we had been striving to be! An eternal Family!
December 23, 2011 |
Xander in front of the temple In Utah. He knows it is the most important place in his life.
He has felt the blessings from it and the love our family has experienced because we have chosen the temple! |
Third was "Its too late for me." Well I have learned as a mother and a wife that "
It is Never, EVER, to late". Aside from food spoiling on me because I kept saying "oh i will get to that" There is always time. When something is important It is just never to late. There is always time to mend a relationship, or start one for that matter. There is always time to teach your child or spend time with them. There is always time to make memories and to experience something you have always wanted to do. Leaving something doesn't make it impossible to do later, just more difficult at times and
difficulty is daunting. However, it is not impossible, especially when you come to know that you are a child of God, and there are things saved for you to do later that are better then anything you can imagine.
Before I go on I wanted to shout out to my siblings and their amazing examples to me! I love you all and the amazing people you are becoming!
My Brother Daniel is always working his butt off to make people happy! No matter how he is feeling. |
My Brother Kimball is one of the smartest young man I know despite all his fears! |
My Sister Kyre takes charge of her life and doesn't let anything stop her from getting what she wants! |
My sister Cyera has always known her goal and striven to reach them no matter who tells her she cant! |
My Brother Matt has always put out efforts to make his life better in spite of what circumstances deal him! |
on to the next point!
Fourth is "I cant be happy until..." LIE! Yes you can. You just choose not to. "
You can choose to be happy now!" You are the only one who can make you feel anything. Sure I know for a fact that outside influences can have an affect on us but really, really the choice is yours. Do you really need that new toy to be happy, or do you just want it so much that you are letting your happiness and well being depend on it. Do you really care that much about what someone said about you that you are willing to believe them and be less then your best. Be happy, just because you can. Not because life is perfect because we are know its not but just because you can.
This is Me! |
Fifth thing mentioned was "This is just who I am". This one was very personal to me because I often excuse myself with this, thinking that there is no changing my core so why try. WRONG! "
It is always possible to change" My Husband is so forgiving. No matter what I do he kisses me and tells me he loves me no matter what. I cant even believe the number of times that I have said that horrible phrase to him and he has told me "you can change it if you want to Tal". Slam dunk Jim. I am so lucky to have a brilliant and loving husband who is always pushing me to be better and not to excuse myself because all it does is hold me back from becoming who
I want to become.
Jim can do anything |
And I mean anything! |
And lastly was "I'm to busy". Have you ever noticed that when something is important you will change all plans and schedules to fit it in. So really, are you to busy or do you just not want to do it. "
There is always time for the important things". Prioritize whats important. Is that show that you love on TV really that important that you tell your child who is begging you to play that you are busy right now. NO! Is it really OK to skip someones special event because you are to busy, and then go home and play on your phone or air your laundry on Facebook. Are you really to busy, or are you just becoming lazy in a world that is making it so easy to do so. I most defiantly don't mean to say that nobody is really busy. There are times and situations that really are busy. I have constantly told my mom and Jim is constantly telling me to not load ourselves up with so many things that we are exhausted and busy all the time. Those days that I do that it is my choice to be busy. Not one person makes me do it.
Together we made our dreams come true. |
And we will continue to make them come true together. |
Society puts so many ideas in our head of who we should be and what we should and should not do. We were created with the end goal to become Gods with our Father in Heaven.
I choose to follow the limitless path that God created for us. I can soar to unbelievable heights if I choose to let my feet leave the ground. There is nothing I cant accomplish if I really want to.
What do you choose?
we WILL soar! |
and support! |
no matter what we are told! |
The sight of the article I read was and the article is called 6 limiting beliefs that you should change today. Good for a read.
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