I feel it is also teaching me a lesson. I have slowly been healing and now I don't cry every time I find out I'm not pregnant but I still have not figured out how to get over the bitterness that sometimes seems to surround me every time I see someone have another child or announce the are expecting. Now don't get me wrong. I am so excited for these people. The bitterness and anger have been internal. Angry that something is wrong with me. Angry that it for some reason it can't be as easy as it was the first time with Xander. What have I done wrong is constantly circling my mind. But it seems to be easing for two reasons lately. I read something the other day that talked about having healthy relationships. Not because mine aren't but because I was worried about my attitudes affect on those closest to me. I decided, no matter what, I was going to change. The pain can't go away unless I decide to let it and it was not only hurting me but my relationship with my husband and son were starting to feel the pain and they shouldn't have to. So I have been trying to have more patience and do little special things reminding them I love them. It's a long process and I am nowhere near where I want to be but I am starting to feel a difference. The second this is this new kitten in our home. I feel my father in heaven is trying to teach me how to love unconditionally. I'm not a cat person. I still feel I never will be. But here I find myself loving and feeling protective of this baby cat. She loves me too. I feel I am still growing and learning and yes I know it is something as simple and a new pet. I don't know what the years will bring. Whether we will have more children or pets or none.
I do know and am really learning to accept that God works in mysterious ways. His ways are rarely mine but I am glad he helps me find ways to come to terms and accept, not understand but accept and that's enough for now. Someday I am sure I will come to understand and I look forward to that day.