This year I have decided that I am in need of a change in my study habits. I Love to read the scriptures but it is not enough for me anymore. I was in a Sunday school lesson the other day that spoke of feasting upon the gospel as opposed to just going to dinner. It made me realize that I have been way to relaxed in my scripture study. I need to go into my scripture study with a mind ready to find what the Lord wants to tell me. If I'm not ready I will never find it.
So I brought out a few of our Book of Mormon study guides and have been readying them along side the Scriptures. I also made a journal that I keep with them and I make sure to write EVERYTHING that comes to my mind or that I learn/re-learn. It has been a wonderful experience and I am feeling more connected to the Book of Mormon then I have felt before.
Another big reason for me doing this is that I am trying to teach Xander to love the scriptures and I found that I needed to know them better in order to properly be able to teach them to him. Its a big Learning process on everyone's part.

I have also learned that no matter how much I know and have learned that as long as I am willing to be teachable I can always learn something new. Both in the gospel sense and in life in general. Nobody is beyond learning. I was at my stake conference recently and I absolutely loved every moment. I felt as if they were speaking directly to my heart and answering all the questions that I have been facing lately. I left feeling so excited I wanted to talk to everyone about how exciting it was. I was shocked when I spoke to some people who said "meh it was nothing special, same ol same ol." Shocked. However, as I reflected on past stake meetings that I have been to I remember feeling that way some times. I mean I even remember feeling that way when I was younger at general conference sessions (don't judge). What made the difference this time? Like I said, I am learning that what makes the difference is not what the speakers say or how well the musical numbers sing or play. It has nothing to do with the topics given or who they have asked to present them. What makes the difference is my heart. What makes the difference is they way I choose to approach the meeting. I can only get out of the meeting, the effort I put into it. I have been hungry for the learning which has resulted on a wonderful feast of knowledge placed at my feet.

Now I also just have to say that I don't mean to say any of this to say that I am so good at learning, everyone be like me. I have so far to go. I only share because it took me so long to figure out that I was the only thing standing in the way of my learning and spiritual growth. When I wondered why i didn't receive the spiritual messages my friends and family did and was upset because of it. That was my fault, I wasn't letting myself learn, I was not being teachable. So I share in hopes that someday someone may read this, that my children may read this and learn it a little sooner then I did so that they may have more time to learn all that they can. I love to learn. I encourage you to step out of your own way and take advantage of all the learning that is before you, waiting for you!
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