On to Christmas thoughts!
My mom has always struggled with loving Christmas and to anyone who knows her this isn't new news. Don't get me wrong, there are few people in my life that I know have a love and testimony of our savior that is stronger then my mothers. But the season sometimes gets her down. The sparkle, wrapping, gimme gimme attitude that it had developed into is often very depressing. I understand why the season would get to some people. It seems like a contest for who can give their kids the most when we forget that what really matters most, often times costs least. I am determined to help these people love Christmas! Lets take things back a few years (oh 2000 or so) to a much simpler time. A time when a special mother and loving father searched to give a warm gift of shelter to their soon to be born son. A time when shepherds were given a gift from the angels to see the new born child and worship him. A time when Wise men came seeking so they could give precious gifts to a babe they knew was more precious then anything they could give. A time when a loving Father in Heaven gave the greatest gift of all to us, His son. Let us not forget the real reason we celebrate. We celebrate the birth of our savior. Who was born and lived for us so that he could and did eventually die for us. He died so that every imperfect person on this earth would be able to become perfect again through his atonement. He died so that we may one day live with our loving Heavenly Father. All of this we celebrate through the birth of a tiny babe. We celebrate his courage to come to this earth knowing all that he knew. We celebrate how much he loved us. That my friends, is what CHRISTmas is all about. Please don't forget it and get mixed up in the glitter. Remember that it is not in the amount that is spent but in the amount that is loved that Christmas memories are measured.
I love you all and I encourage you to find a way to celebrate the true and everlasting meaning of Christmas.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Christmas Is my Favorite!
I just love the season of Christmas. I love the songs, the smells, and the kindness that comes out in people I don't even know. I have been trying since Jim and I got married to do some sort of Christmas card for friends and family but I have let to many things get away with me and before I know it I am way to late. Well this year I am not going to let it get the best of me.
I had Jim and Xander come and smile for a few simple pictures right before church on Sunday and wa-la we have some family pictures to make a Christmas card. I am excited about them! So I figured I would share them with you. Zemps 2014!
Monday, November 10, 2014
First Snow
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Our Cherry on top!
For the last few weeks Xander has been getting so whinny and cries over the smallest things. The only time he is happy is when he is around other kids or his extended family. I have tried and tried for figure out why this is going on and have had no luck. Then about three days ago I sat him down determined to find out what was wrong. Xander told me that he was lonely and needed a friend to play with at his house. We talked about playing with friends and he told me maybe a pet could be his friend. Now most people would think this was a child's ploy to get a pet. However this had never been a discussion before and so my three year old boy had never been told no or yes. Jim and I talked about it and figured since we are having no luck having another child Xander could use a play companion. We were going to go for something small and we looked through a few stores and nothing really popped out at us. As we looked through the second store we laid eyes on a scrawny shaggy little orange kitten.
She was up for adoption from the SPCA and was only three months old. Xander loved her as soon as he laid eyes on her. However if anyone really knows me they know that a cat was the last pet I wanted in my home. Well Xander played in the play area at the store with her and he instantly loved her. He said mom we need to take her home. Inside me is going really. Of all the pets in the world we are getting a scruffy orange kitten. Well we crossed all our t's and dotted the i's and bought all the necessities and now we have a kitten in our new home. She fits in so well. I never thought I would say I like cats but she and I have become buddies. She loves t cuddle me and she is looking healthier every day. She didn't eat or use the litter box for the first day and I was freaking out. And then day two she did both. Now she is eating and so comfortable here. Xander is happier and didn't whine because he wants to be an example for her. He calls her his baby or his girl and loves to carry her around to show her everything. I have slowly seen improvement and hope to continue.
I feel it is also teaching me a lesson. I have slowly been healing and now I don't cry every time I find out I'm not pregnant but I still have not figured out how to get over the bitterness that sometimes seems to surround me every time I see someone have another child or announce the are expecting. Now don't get me wrong. I am so excited for these people. The bitterness and anger have been internal. Angry that something is wrong with me. Angry that it for some reason it can't be as easy as it was the first time with Xander. What have I done wrong is constantly circling my mind. But it seems to be easing for two reasons lately. I read something the other day that talked about having healthy relationships. Not because mine aren't but because I was worried about my attitudes affect on those closest to me. I decided, no matter what, I was going to change. The pain can't go away unless I decide to let it and it was not only hurting me but my relationship with my husband and son were starting to feel the pain and they shouldn't have to. So I have been trying to have more patience and do little special things reminding them I love them. It's a long process and I am nowhere near where I want to be but I am starting to feel a difference. The second this is this new kitten in our home. I feel my father in heaven is trying to teach me how to love unconditionally. I'm not a cat person. I still feel I never will be. But here I find myself loving and feeling protective of this baby cat. She loves me too. I feel I am still growing and learning and yes I know it is something as simple and a new pet. I don't know what the years will bring. Whether we will have more children or pets or none.
I do know and am really learning to accept that God works in mysterious ways. His ways are rarely mine but I am glad he helps me find ways to come to terms and accept, not understand but accept and that's enough for now. Someday I am sure I will come to understand and I look forward to that day.
I feel it is also teaching me a lesson. I have slowly been healing and now I don't cry every time I find out I'm not pregnant but I still have not figured out how to get over the bitterness that sometimes seems to surround me every time I see someone have another child or announce the are expecting. Now don't get me wrong. I am so excited for these people. The bitterness and anger have been internal. Angry that something is wrong with me. Angry that it for some reason it can't be as easy as it was the first time with Xander. What have I done wrong is constantly circling my mind. But it seems to be easing for two reasons lately. I read something the other day that talked about having healthy relationships. Not because mine aren't but because I was worried about my attitudes affect on those closest to me. I decided, no matter what, I was going to change. The pain can't go away unless I decide to let it and it was not only hurting me but my relationship with my husband and son were starting to feel the pain and they shouldn't have to. So I have been trying to have more patience and do little special things reminding them I love them. It's a long process and I am nowhere near where I want to be but I am starting to feel a difference. The second this is this new kitten in our home. I feel my father in heaven is trying to teach me how to love unconditionally. I'm not a cat person. I still feel I never will be. But here I find myself loving and feeling protective of this baby cat. She loves me too. I feel I am still growing and learning and yes I know it is something as simple and a new pet. I don't know what the years will bring. Whether we will have more children or pets or none.
I do know and am really learning to accept that God works in mysterious ways. His ways are rarely mine but I am glad he helps me find ways to come to terms and accept, not understand but accept and that's enough for now. Someday I am sure I will come to understand and I look forward to that day.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Because I believe!
Lately I have been challenging myself to try new things. My mom and I have often talked about all the wonderful ideas that we have found on the internet and in book we have read. We decided to adapt the mentality that if they can do it so can we. I have really enjoyed learning all these wonderful new things.
One thing in particular that I have always been in awe of was bread. Some people make such beautiful loaves of bread and it really is an art form. Well a few years ago I made a new years resolution to only make home made bread that year. I figured it would challenge me to become better at making bread and by the end of the year I would be a pro. Well I wasn't and I was very discouraged. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong and so I stopped making bread. I didn't make bread for close to a year because I just thought it wasn't for me. Then the other day I watched a video on the internet that inspired me. This lady made the most beautiful bread and the way she did it was sop simple. It got my mind thinking "hey, I can do that", So I busted out my mothers simple bread recipe and tried again, and you know what.... IT WORKED. It proved to me that even after you fail miserably once, if you try again you just might succeed. Here I was working and working and working for a year to learn how to make bread and nothing, I had given up and as soon as I opened the door to try again success.
Now I have decided that there is nothing I cant do if I put my mind to it. I read about it, I study it, I learn how others do it and then I just do it. I have been so happy with the outcome of my projects lately and all it took was a change in mentality. There is nothing I cant do.
The silliest part about this whole thing is that I have known this fact my whole life. I have been taught from the time that I was born that I am a daughter of God, and that through God all things are possible. It was something I always knew. I am capable of anything if I just believe in myself and trust in the Lord to help me. Something as simple and making bread can be a huge brick wall if you believe you are going to fail every time. Once you believe you will succeed and start to think "Hey I can do that" they you will be amazed at what you accomplish.
I love to create things. I have fun showing Xander how to do it. He has learned to love helping me with every thing I do and would rather be with me working then playing with the coolest of toys.
I believe in my Heavenly Father and in his son (my savior) Jesus Christ. I believe that through them there is nothing I cant learn and do. I am so happy to have this knowledge.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Leaves leaves and more leaves.
Fall at our house brought to light the truth of how many trees we really do have. LOTS AND LOTS. Wow! We have already packed 12 very large bags up and I would say our trees are about half done with their leaves. It's so crazy.
However, just like when I was younger and Jim as well fall brings not only work but a lot of fun as you do it. Xander has really enjoyed making all the work we do take twice as long by plowing through a freshly raked pile of leaves.
He just loves to play outside and even more to help us when we are working. He would run into the pile of leaves sending a firework of leaves in every direction and come out with an armful of leaves for the garbage bag. I have to admit I don't mind at all that it took so long because he had so much fun.
We even had fun with grandpa while he was getting his leaves all picked up. Xander felt that his job should have a little more action and length and volunteered to help grandpa make it that way.
All in all I think there is fun to be had in all kinda of work. Who cares if it takes a little longer and things have to be redone multiple times. We made memories and shared laughter. That's what matters. Years from now we won't remember the rest. I'm so grateful for a husband and child who help me to relax and make things more fun. I love them so much.
Monday, September 22, 2014
A few tears.
So today Xander was following me around the house. Anything I did he was right in my face. "Mom, Mom, Mom!" Driving me crazy. I was trying to catch up on my house since it had slipped out of control the last week. Finally he brought me "The Tigger Movie" and asked me if I would come watch it with him. I was tired and decided I could take a break for a minute. So I made some lunch and sat down with him to watch a movie. I dont know if I have ever sat down for that whole movie but man did I cry. I felt like a crazy person crying over a childs movie but I just loved the message that it shared.
In the movie Tigger was searching for his Tigger family. He searched and searched and couldnt find any other Tiggers. He was very sad that there was nobody out there just like him. At the end Little Roo helped him to realize that your family doesnt have to be just like you, they are the ones around you that love you and support you. Those people that will always be there for you even if you cant see it yourself. Anyway holy smokes.. I defiantly was crying and laughing at myself for doing so. Xander was looking at me like I was a crazy person but oh well. The whole movie talks about perspective. Seeing the important things and opening your eyes.
Anyway now that I have got the embarrassing moment out of the way I wanted to share a few pictures from lately and Tell you about my wonderful month of September.
In the movie Tigger was searching for his Tigger family. He searched and searched and couldnt find any other Tiggers. He was very sad that there was nobody out there just like him. At the end Little Roo helped him to realize that your family doesnt have to be just like you, they are the ones around you that love you and support you. Those people that will always be there for you even if you cant see it yourself. Anyway holy smokes.. I defiantly was crying and laughing at myself for doing so. Xander was looking at me like I was a crazy person but oh well. The whole movie talks about perspective. Seeing the important things and opening your eyes.
Anyway now that I have got the embarrassing moment out of the way I wanted to share a few pictures from lately and Tell you about my wonderful month of September.
Xander and I have had the opportunity to spend loads of time outside and It has been so much fun. He really has been enjoying the fall weather alot and I have been enjoying the wonderful pictures that come with fall weather.
We also Celebrated Xanders 3rd birthday which technically isnt until the 25th but with all the cousin birthdays we held his party a little early. We had so much fun. There were so many kids and friends around that it was just a blast!
Xander just loved the whole thing!
We also had the privilege of going to the temple with some of our good friends to watch them be sealed together with along with their son for time and all eternity. What an amazing blessing. It brought back all the wonderful feelings that came with me being sealed to Jim and Xander and the amazing experience that was for me.
I have just loved the month of September. It is so wonderful and there really is nothing better then spending time with loved ones!
Last picture I am sharing is Xanders three year old picture. Cant believe my baby is three already! What a handsome, smart and spiritual kid!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Its all about YOU!
So one of my very smart cousins re-posted something on Facebook the other day that I decided I would read. It was a very good piece about changing our mindset for success and It talked about 6 things that we need to forget and when we do our lives will change for the better. As I was reading this my mind automatically changed them to the positive form that we need to remember. Here is the result of my reverse interpretation.
First thing the article said was "I am not smart enough" well in order to change that we need to start thinking "God created me with endless possibilities" How important it is to remember that we can be anything we want to become. outside influences tell us all the time that we are not smart enough for that, its to hard, don't waste your time on something you will fail at. Who cares what they say. If you put your mind to it and have faith that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, then you can. That as simple as it is. And if you do fail it only helps you learn and in turn, learning makes you smarter as well. It is always a win win if you just try.
Second thing was "I am to inexperienced". Well so was Thomas Edison when he was young but he didn't let that stop him. He persevered through much and came out experienced. To that I reply " There are always new things to learn and experience." Through doing you gain experience. Through excusing yourself you gain nothing.
Third was "Its too late for me." Well I have learned as a mother and a wife that "It is Never, EVER, to late". Aside from food spoiling on me because I kept saying "oh i will get to that" There is always time. When something is important It is just never to late. There is always time to mend a relationship, or start one for that matter. There is always time to teach your child or spend time with them. There is always time to make memories and to experience something you have always wanted to do. Leaving something doesn't make it impossible to do later, just more difficult at times and difficulty is daunting. However, it is not impossible, especially when you come to know that you are a child of God, and there are things saved for you to do later that are better then anything you can imagine.
on to the next point!
Fourth is "I cant be happy until..." LIE! Yes you can. You just choose not to. "You can choose to be happy now!" You are the only one who can make you feel anything. Sure I know for a fact that outside influences can have an affect on us but really, really the choice is yours. Do you really need that new toy to be happy, or do you just want it so much that you are letting your happiness and well being depend on it. Do you really care that much about what someone said about you that you are willing to believe them and be less then your best. Be happy, just because you can. Not because life is perfect because we are know its not but just because you can.
Fifth thing mentioned was "This is just who I am". This one was very personal to me because I often excuse myself with this, thinking that there is no changing my core so why try. WRONG! "It is always possible to change" My Husband is so forgiving. No matter what I do he kisses me and tells me he loves me no matter what. I cant even believe the number of times that I have said that horrible phrase to him and he has told me "you can change it if you want to Tal". Slam dunk Jim. I am so lucky to have a brilliant and loving husband who is always pushing me to be better and not to excuse myself because all it does is hold me back from becoming who I want to become.
And lastly was "I'm to busy". Have you ever noticed that when something is important you will change all plans and schedules to fit it in. So really, are you to busy or do you just not want to do it. "There is always time for the important things". Prioritize whats important. Is that show that you love on TV really that important that you tell your child who is begging you to play that you are busy right now. NO! Is it really OK to skip someones special event because you are to busy, and then go home and play on your phone or air your laundry on Facebook. Are you really to busy, or are you just becoming lazy in a world that is making it so easy to do so. I most defiantly don't mean to say that nobody is really busy. There are times and situations that really are busy. I have constantly told my mom and Jim is constantly telling me to not load ourselves up with so many things that we are exhausted and busy all the time. Those days that I do that it is my choice to be busy. Not one person makes me do it.
Society puts so many ideas in our head of who we should be and what we should and should not do. We were created with the end goal to become Gods with our Father in Heaven. I choose to follow the limitless path that God created for us. I can soar to unbelievable heights if I choose to let my feet leave the ground. There is nothing I cant accomplish if I really want to. What do you choose?
The sight of the article I read was www.lifehack.org and the article is called 6 limiting beliefs that you should change today. Good for a read.
Jim teaching our 2 year old to swim! Xander loves it. He never gives up! |
My beautiful sister when she graduated. Couldn't be prouder of her persistence! |
First thing the article said was "I am not smart enough" well in order to change that we need to start thinking "God created me with endless possibilities" How important it is to remember that we can be anything we want to become. outside influences tell us all the time that we are not smart enough for that, its to hard, don't waste your time on something you will fail at. Who cares what they say. If you put your mind to it and have faith that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, then you can. That as simple as it is. And if you do fail it only helps you learn and in turn, learning makes you smarter as well. It is always a win win if you just try.
scariest and most amazing experience I have had yet in my life. |
best blessing came from it though. just one more piece of the puzzle that is our little family! |
Second thing was "I am to inexperienced". Well so was Thomas Edison when he was young but he didn't let that stop him. He persevered through much and came out experienced. To that I reply " There are always new things to learn and experience." Through doing you gain experience. Through excusing yourself you gain nothing.
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Married My Hero! December 11, 2010 |
Went Through the temple with him! and our soon to be baby boy! |
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Was sealed to both the loves of my life and became what we had been striving to be! An eternal Family! December 23, 2011 |
Before I go on I wanted to shout out to my siblings and their amazing examples to me! I love you all and the amazing people you are becoming!
My Brother Daniel is always working his butt off to make people happy! No matter how he is feeling. |
My Brother Kimball is one of the smartest young man I know despite all his fears! |
My Sister Kyre takes charge of her life and doesn't let anything stop her from getting what she wants! |
My sister Cyera has always known her goal and striven to reach them no matter who tells her she cant! |
My Brother Matt has always put out efforts to make his life better in spite of what circumstances deal him! |
on to the next point!
Fourth is "I cant be happy until..." LIE! Yes you can. You just choose not to. "You can choose to be happy now!" You are the only one who can make you feel anything. Sure I know for a fact that outside influences can have an affect on us but really, really the choice is yours. Do you really need that new toy to be happy, or do you just want it so much that you are letting your happiness and well being depend on it. Do you really care that much about what someone said about you that you are willing to believe them and be less then your best. Be happy, just because you can. Not because life is perfect because we are know its not but just because you can.
This is Me! |
Fifth thing mentioned was "This is just who I am". This one was very personal to me because I often excuse myself with this, thinking that there is no changing my core so why try. WRONG! "It is always possible to change" My Husband is so forgiving. No matter what I do he kisses me and tells me he loves me no matter what. I cant even believe the number of times that I have said that horrible phrase to him and he has told me "you can change it if you want to Tal". Slam dunk Jim. I am so lucky to have a brilliant and loving husband who is always pushing me to be better and not to excuse myself because all it does is hold me back from becoming who I want to become.
Jim can do anything |
And I mean anything! |
And lastly was "I'm to busy". Have you ever noticed that when something is important you will change all plans and schedules to fit it in. So really, are you to busy or do you just not want to do it. "There is always time for the important things". Prioritize whats important. Is that show that you love on TV really that important that you tell your child who is begging you to play that you are busy right now. NO! Is it really OK to skip someones special event because you are to busy, and then go home and play on your phone or air your laundry on Facebook. Are you really to busy, or are you just becoming lazy in a world that is making it so easy to do so. I most defiantly don't mean to say that nobody is really busy. There are times and situations that really are busy. I have constantly told my mom and Jim is constantly telling me to not load ourselves up with so many things that we are exhausted and busy all the time. Those days that I do that it is my choice to be busy. Not one person makes me do it.
Together we made our dreams come true. |
And we will continue to make them come true together. |
Society puts so many ideas in our head of who we should be and what we should and should not do. We were created with the end goal to become Gods with our Father in Heaven. I choose to follow the limitless path that God created for us. I can soar to unbelievable heights if I choose to let my feet leave the ground. There is nothing I cant accomplish if I really want to. What do you choose?
we WILL soar! |
and support! |
no matter what we are told! |
The sight of the article I read was www.lifehack.org and the article is called 6 limiting beliefs that you should change today. Good for a read.
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