Friday, August 1, 2014

The artist in us.

“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up.” -Pablo Picasso

I saw this wonderful quote an it started my mind off on a tangent of all the things that I had the option of being and how I got to where I did. Early on Jim and I made a promise to never tell Xander he couldn't do a sport or take an instrument that he wanted or really any hobby but rather to encourage him to try as many different ones as possible to find a true passion. Children are naturally gifted with so many talents. They are a blank canvas waiting to soak up all that we can show them and turn it into a masterpiece. I remember when I was very young I was so in love with singing. Not only that but I had the confidence to go with it. I also remember the day that I was told by a fellow choir member to not sing so loud in a very hurtful way. Now this shouldn't have had an affect on me. But for whatever reason my confidence in my singing disappeared very quickly and still to this day it is terrifying for me to sing infront of an audiance. This peer had no idea the lasting impact of those few words and though it shouldn't have impacted me so, it did. I still love to sing however it's difficult when I am worried about being to loud for those around me. 
I wonder how many people have hidden talents and loves that they wish so badly to show to the world but for whatever reason can't. I wonder how many children because of a peer or sadly sometimes because of a family member never have the opportunity to shine because there confidence is hurt. 

Xander has found a love for singing. He sings all the time and makes up songs as he goes. It warms my heart. We were out for dinner tonight and he started singing at the top of his lungs along with the radio. I can only hope and pray that the people around him help me encourage him in his love for whatever he chooses so he can grow and excel. I know as a parent that my part is large. I also know that as hard as I try mine will not and can not be the only influence on him. My goal is to build that confidence strong in all aspects of his life so when those people do come to drag him down he can be fortified and withstand whatever they can throw. So whether he wants to be a soccer star or a singer, an art major or a construction worker the options are as endless as the sands in the sea and I can't wait to watch an cheer him on in his efforts. 

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