Thursday, August 14, 2014

Yeah for food storage.

My mother taught me that it is so important that I have a food storage. She also taught me that when someone offers me produce so never say no thanks. We went an picked cherries the other day. Seven gallons of them. They were so beautiful and so delicious. Then we came home and my mother jucied them all for me and then I got to try my hand at making jelly and syrup for the first time. It was so easy. I have no idea why I have always been so worried I would destroy it if I tried. I always thought it was so pressured and time sensative that I just wouldn't do it. Well today I did it. 5 batches of jelly and 11 jars of syrup. It was no hard at all. Trust me. If I can do this then anyone can do it. 

I always knew how important food storage was. I always had a food storage when I lived on my own. My closet would be half filled with clothing and half filled with food. I rarely spent any money on food at all which lots of my friends thought was weird. I always bought things in bulk when they went on good sales and that was just how I was raised. Well when I got married it changed. I started running into times where money was a rare thing and I was always so nervous. However, somehow there has always been food. I have never had an empty shelf. I give credit to my mother for  teaching me how to shop smart. I read a funny meme on Facebook the other day that said " when the fridge is empty and I feel like I'm going to starve and then all I the sudden my mom goes in and pulls a three course meal out of it" and I went wow that's how I felt when I was younger and now I feel on the other side of the quote. I hope and pray that as this generation becomes more and more about fast food and convienence eating that I can teach my kids what my mom taught me. So no matter what happens in their lifetime they can be prepared and ready knowing heir families are going I be ok. 

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