Monday, October 20, 2014

Because I believe!

 Lately I have been challenging myself to try new things. My mom and I have often talked about all the wonderful ideas that we have found on the internet and in book we have read. We decided to adapt the mentality that if they can do it so can we. I have really enjoyed learning all these wonderful new things. 
One thing in particular that I have always been in awe of was bread. Some people make such beautiful loaves of bread and it really is an art form. Well a few years ago I made a new years resolution to only make home made bread that year. I figured it would challenge me to become better at making bread and by the end of the year I would be a pro. Well I wasn't and I was very discouraged. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong and so I stopped making bread. I didn't make bread for close to a year because I just thought it wasn't for me. Then the other day I watched a video on the internet that inspired me. This lady made the most beautiful bread and the way she did it was sop simple. It got my mind thinking "hey, I can do that", So I busted out my mothers simple bread recipe and tried again, and you know what.... IT WORKED. It proved to me that even after you fail miserably once, if you try again you just might succeed. Here I was working and working and working for a year to learn how to make bread and nothing, I had given up and as soon as I opened the door to try again success.

 Now I have decided that there is nothing I cant do if I put my mind to it. I read about it, I study it, I learn how others do it and then I just do it. I have been so happy with the outcome of my projects lately and all it took was a change in mentality. There is nothing I cant do.

The silliest part about this whole thing is that I have known this fact my whole life. I have been taught from the time that I was born that I am a daughter of God, and that through God all things are possible. It was something I always knew. I am capable of anything if I just believe in myself and trust in the Lord to help me. Something as simple and making bread can be a huge brick wall if you believe you are going to fail every time. Once you believe you will succeed and start to think "Hey I can do that" they you will be amazed at what you accomplish. 

I love to create things. I have fun showing Xander how to do it. He has learned to love helping me with every thing I do and would rather be with me working then playing with the coolest of toys. 
I believe in my Heavenly Father and in his son (my savior) Jesus Christ. I believe that through them there is nothing I cant learn and do. I am so happy to have this knowledge. 

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