Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So I am way behind in my posts but I do have a good excuse. I HAVE A BABY BOY!! AND HE IS THE BEST IN THE WHOLE WORLD! His name is
Xander James Zemp
He was born on September 25th at Nine O Nine and he weighed 7 pounds and 13.5 ounces. He was 18.75 inches long and he is just so stinking cute its amazing. Im not going to lie, I was always worried about babies when they are new borns because they used to scare me being all wrinkley and purple. well I think he was beautiful from day one. He was just fantastic. He was born after 18 hours of labour... 3 of them hard labour and then they told me that he was stuck... I was so tired and I kept asking my mom why the heck anyone would do this twice. They finally had a doctor come in and see me and she hummed and hawwed and made her conclusion which she didnt tell the distraught crazy mophine high prego she just left and then in came a specialist and she poked and prawded and then hummed and hawwed and then she said well we are going to try a few things and if they dont work to move him along then we will go and do an emergency C section. Well I was ready to rip faces right off and I just said just get him out of me! Well they did what I said (dispite the fact that I was so weird, complete word salad... totally not there. apparently morphine and laughing gas are a weird mix. also morphine doesnt kill labour pains at all just so you know. just makes it slightly bearable). So they rushed me into the cut em apart room and gave me some anesthesia in my spin (not an epidural but thats another story) and within 15 min after they gave me that and I was numb and soon after that I had a son. I didnt get to hold him until almost midnight and that was sad to me but I wouldnt have been coherant enough anyway but all the same. Anyway I spent 3 days after in the hospital and now I am home and I love being home with my favorite big man and little man. I now offically have 2 loves of my life and its the best thing in the world. Well all in all it was an amazing experience and I loved most of it. Anyway I prob wont be doing lots of picture putting on with the photography assignment but I will be putting some on of my new son as I work out my skills on him. Hope you all enjoyed my story and until next time..... Bye!

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